1. The method is corrected by the position of the working axis of the heading combine, based on monitoring the position of the reference point and two points on the combine, according to the coordinates of which the coordinates of the working body of the combine are calculated and a control signal is generated for correcting the position of the working body, which differs from I in that In order to improve the accuracy of control, the coordinates of points on the combine are determined by measuring the transit time of the electromagnetic signal from the reference point to the control points on the combine. GO
发明作者:Дрешер Бернхард;Цитц Альфред
申请人:Ферайнигте Эстеррайхише Айзен-Унд Штальверке-Альпине Монтан Аг (Фирма);

aiiTttiiiusi j is located} 1st in the plane. ) ;: en; Iku-py set the direction of Hiuo, and 1-kog. fixed one nn; and; m ;. aite jina.
 , Уc: TpcMiCTHn iio and, 7; about tl and I: n IV. e f: so that it additionally HsrrtJib-io 1: on; 1 is two transmitters. located in and ;; oskos, psperershikul rkay tadlnnoml-. ijl) (.
10. VcTpoftcTBO according to claim 7, about tl and h and y 1Lc t: t; by the fact that it is / jujile bjio with; iaabje} o ipoTbcfi reception} yu anchmšy ,, zlkpk-nyon in treyu: KOFJTi-ij; iUD “: MOH point on the combine,: ie ne;: ; dotgchi, and L |) khol 111 1i: mioi an1-hnny pod :: 1o; en to nych; IL.l 1telp () mu block,
I. Ustroyigtpo on G, 7, about t l l-f and l: g about with g 5; that, with l.yel,.: homo1; control, I11dikats r posta-chm jjaooMuro body harvester:;. run out,:; ) ;; 5nd, p of the scale template about: - ::), 1. n;, 1 of work and two mutually perms ;; and;: Jiein's arms, Jiein drive ::: -: ii: KXT; ii ; .1.vigats; l kn,:.; about pkl: VI3 KOTCDbx zakreilen ma.Siiabion image of the working body of the light and the holder., which; a} ia with a series of tapes :::, the receivers are connected to you Tejii Ho) G block, n on (, | labra ng.kreg:; s , connected.: eigpo pp. /, S and 15 e p. rebj that are correlated along the contour;,; DOTO.-L1 1D on | L11l-1 of the working organ
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eat; -ibiKo; i i nepL yes;
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: o with the fact that he is working and ierc; :) rgana-it is possible: with the second U-:) we go: I yelled: -: asphg.bny-i shab. g: 1 - С С: -1Я Hi Т 3 О
);.; b.d :: its Dpi with;: and from 1 -.- atsriala, lrichem 5B ;;; abo kl; r: jieH:; i source: -: ki superfi-i DIODA. t Hsoop.iTeHPic refers to the cr system and devices for adjustment; 1 working movement of the cutting mechanism of the tunneling machine moving along the bottom of the chest, from the actual position of the cutting mechanism and taking into account the position of the tunneling machine relative to the given profile of the traversed crossway. To determine the location of the combine, a laser beam and a number of devices were used, which were used to measure the deviation of the location of the combine from a straight line / rc on one straight line (with the laser beam. The laser power is limited by its design and the scattering of the light beam A laser is used to drive a billet from a combine. There is a known method for controlling the position of a combine heading, based on controlling the position of the reference point and points on KOM6a; hie, the coordinates of which calculate the coordinates of the working organ; A control is used for the control of the position of the working device. The device for the implementation of the known method includes an optical emitter, receivers of the bluetooth on the combine, connected to the receiver} unit, to which the sensors of the position of the working body are connected, and isp. Piece m (. ll. Known method and device have insufficient accuracy: L, S, as the coordinates, the receiving signal on the onptvie.TMpjTC i combine, and the speed of rotation. Opti Yuskogo iz.- | u chatel. Their use is also limited with strong maintenance: - air bounds in the working area of the combiGgna. The purpose of the invention is to improve the control accuracy. The goal is achieved by the fact that, according to the method of controlling the position of the working body of a combine harvester, based on controlling the position of the reference point and two points on the combine, find the coordinates of the working body of the combine and form control over the position of the working body The coordinates of points on the combine are determined by recording the time of the passage of the electromagnetic signal from the reference point to the two points on the combine. In addition, electromagnetic signals are additionally emitted from the second POCHK1; located in a plane perg.Eushkularnuyu a given direction, and on a cable, e these signals are received in the same contour. the point. In addition, electromagnetic signals from another two points are also hampered, located at a plane in the plane, centered in a given direction; eu. Electromagnetic s and hyals accept additionally in a controlled manner at combo: G1Ne, not .g: more often 1 per g. With glumum drill1mi controlled.m, this electrically signal from, oh that, they are separated from and into. Electric power -1e from each point from; a cloud with a different: often control unit; And according to 1: Auger of the working body npoxoj. Combine A, containing optical; Emitter, 1p (PL / e, connected n1- :; to.gch ;;;: ital1l; ob; at the block, to which: CL; L ---- HI; position sensor Work ooganl, i: s: 1olite; ьнs:; you,; nl Ж, o: 1 and send it to you, fixed, at;) 1m ate; 1a and, close:;.% pe; mmi gs:: combine i d y ko1ggroliruem 1-gkh points, danKaNiii Kojinvca ko: -: bl (; nn relate axis, ind block, which codes through the indicator plozhozoi1 working body connection 1nen with the executive -; In addition, the device -: the device additionally C -: abzheno second transmitting 1 ante 1NO5 is located; enU1O 1 is in a plane perpendicular to the given direction, and on the combine one receiving antenna is fixed.The device additionally has two abducted two transmitting anTeHHaNiH, M is located - in the plane perpendicular to the given direction. The device is additional; it is equipped with the third receiving station, fixed at the third controlled point
on the combine, not; shuzhshey on ssnoy ir; -; oh with two other konrol1) T04KaN H; The iipiit; M ioA antenna output is connected to a computer (locus) For the purpose of visualizing the contact |;) ol the indicator is positioned 5 and the working body xsmbgj) 1st is made in the form of a m wide scale G1 rokhod;
E3iiH n O TierPeKDIKULYaNPch,. The GFIEOdimi executive -telepigatsl mi .. on the gkhanoy zhtorkh zakrelle but large-scale image of the working body of a light source and a holder that is attached to another Langge, L1) a6iiOio uia6; iovia fixed photodiode, lodkl10chenchen1e to C1: gna. ;; ny block.
11 light sources are fixed but Kotrrypy Niacurra6Horo iiiaGjiOHa a а) from the dio; na mas: ita.bnom; Imagine: 1in worker about; -g ala.,
And is the dictator of lshülsni of the working body of the gomOil lon (L; 1 and Telno supply; vtsoy ma1alltabng ;; template; roho ;; mo} 5yg; abo; i. Between the two-: h;: tabb Li onions:; oi mao1G,;. bnog izob;) oboebler (zrgada from ss ms toos abl go ia 1 sri.ga ha r-gchs;: in PZ Nablo PSI Jij-lpap;) LO
him; KGUHGURU; Akpe m / le Uh:; -g .; i and lik gpg ga, 1 on the other - lo 1 - g; from this di (..
ma fmg, i with the following scheme: -; aTG - 10a aig, 2 - the same, type (, for fig. H - the same, vi, l, reconciliation; ha (rig, h - 7 - divide, bHi ,; U ;; agi irg: opra, 1, at Doskidii pozidii drokholes; c (; 1O combine; ifn. B - l (d: a, s; k ;; o :; ec: device (;} and: tvo 5 view in Hei) c; ieKiri; u; with a shabtym, with one zadglpyugo trophil; -; in Fig. 9 - the same. "" -; d opers, in Fig. 10 - the option I repeat: cc; d1; vo ,, Royce- gwa, author of spruce .iolu pro (bil.
FIG. I doubles; th crygre, lkoy ukg zako vertical deviating; or a combination of high-rise wood, combine harvester. The double arrow j jtasks; the working rioj survival of the industrial combine a, which is explained with a nodiem or slope angle. The heading machine 3 has npis of this cut lever 4, at the end of which the BpyOoBofi mech.-: iizm 5 is fixed, and the tracked mechanism 6.
Closure or iaralle: 1 mix of the heading machine, and double cut; which S is the heel angle, i.e. d, - around each other; trod, about: 1 ss: and 9 G; ro /; FIG. 2 is also vertical, l) On the axis 10 iroho; of the hingo koin; ticking arrows 1 ir.h I, 3) creates an oblique tip; kenya; p i, i: o, -: i h 6 C k o GO k om b a i i n relate, i n o P1 Tol, o1 osg: iggrek. . Cha FIG,,; double 11 with arrow 7 shows the horizon, 1, the deviation and “And parallels the 1 D 1 st ie from the rods, of the ocvi road.
Snozob implementation following; 1; 1-m (Fig, 4-7),
To pass; 1 Combine1} -: e 1rod:, or if the axis of the 12th drift is given a beam (, m of an optical emitter, for example, a laser, a, 13. But the oTOji axis is turned in front of the atch 14, which has two transmitters, genes are ID and 1o, case; “and as a sub-onoptUiix point,; 5 of which are one from the other1:) th: a} 5no, Connect: 1 to the line of these e1) food antennas are normally k longitudinal o (4i 12 LiiTpeKa. Bounding antennas: 5 and 17) are placed on) ac, -to1PP and b. An impulse is emitted from antenna 15 from the time of passage of which (), to the entrance, to the receiver 18 einrajiOB, it is possible to calculate the scattering with-. Then from |; e; saddle-: chic 14 nz: 1uch1s sledu1 () td1y and: ppllJC from the antenna | 6 and ciiOiia is measured;
rpiM-CHH nrokhozh; 1eni get raS1; 1 hd lereda: oi: her antennas 6: lrgi-mloi -Hrixxxii .; /. Offset; hlggry; gr; l - o, -che JvOro ko; bayna 3 (fg g. t) sb: r cr; 1l; h only go | h1zon; i, yyy; g; R ; rg,, ii, i; i: iN; osemeiHie-- 7,: -, ;; and; -, -: i:; n:, - ip; lles, Lhogo 1)
РV V l,;, l: chi a, given by its stsfone, ,, Ь,; ;, ,, ГСr; O-io, completely defrauded: lt; -: och; g-G: gozidp; gro; odche (whom, l,) -: bg; lg, 1 ,, G:, l-: unknown: ha ::.,: -1, g- :::, ((the change of name , 1}: glr, gd, l1chesky combine: a,, -, - er -: - 1 og., With the same distance, n) 1 l ns: red; o1cimi aneno1GO-G1 | 3 l iP l ante; 1st 17 On :: gi. - rioKaaajio compound hp / cd-. ps; a compiler for the computational:; l: insl, ilo lto connection of the dollar; t, given by d, l roio, to make a comprehensible chronicle for the generalization and to accomplish this with the help of a measuring line or radio line. With this compound, either the initial impulse or the measurement result is transmitted for each form of execution.
FIG. 5 transmitting antennas 15 and 16 are aligned with respect to the longitudinal axis 12 of the gate. In the measurement, the pulse is radiated only from the transmitting antenna 15 and is recorded at two receivers 18 and 19 on the miner 3. From the signal transit time from the transmitting antenna 15 to the receive antenna 20, the processing on the computer produces the distance c9, and from the signal transit time from the transmitting antennas 15 to receiving antenna 17, distance e. The distance of receiving antennas 17 and 19 from one another is determined by the proposed method. The orientation of the connecting line between receiving antennas 17 and 20 is relative but to the miner 3. From the sides of the triangle, 25 FIG. The nickname c, e, and f can be solved by a triangle, formed by transmitting antenna 15 and receiving antennas 17 and 20, determine all angles. The result of this calculation characterizes both the parallel displacement and the inclined position. If one of the two deviations is already known from previous measurements, and the parallel displacement can be determined, for example, by trigonometric measurement, and the tilt position using a gyrocompass, then the other deviation can be derived from this measured value. The measurement is carried out using a pulse at both receivers. Transmitter 14 has, next to its transmitting antenna 15, another transmitting antenna 21 (FIG. 6), the distance of which g- from the pedaling antenna 15 can be measured. The spatial orientation of the transmitting antenna 21 is established in the same way with the help of the appropriate alignment and the right angle to the longitudinal axis of the antenna is again selected for the calculation, with the lines between the transmitting antennas 15 and 21 being aligned vertically. But if signals are emitted from transmitting antennas i5 and 21 with a time interval from one another, then it is possible to determine the transit time of these signals from transmitting 15 to receiving 17 antennas and from transmitting 21 to receiving 17 antennas. From this travel time, some distance is obtained for the distance from the transmitting 15 to the receiving 17 antennas, and for the distance from the transmitting 21 to the receiving 17 antennas the distance. From the trigonometric solution of the triangle, determined from the sides, b and b, it is possible to calculate the parallel deviation or height offset.
. The determination of the angle of elevation or inclination of the tunneling machine is expediently carried out using an inclinometer according to a known method. 0 ;; it is possible to obtain an elevation or inclination angle and at the same time a shift in height using a trigonometric measurement (FIG. 7), if another receiving antenna 22 is provided on the driving combine 3. In the measurement shown schematically in 7, the transmitting antenna 15 emits a pulse that can be received by the receiving antennas 22 and 17. The receiving antenna 22 can be connected to its own receiver (not shown), but can also be connected without consequences to the receiver 18 connected to the antenna; 17. The distance of the receiving antennas 17 and 22, one from the dies, as well as their spatial position to the miner 3 can be determined by the proposed method. The travel time of the signal that is emitted from the transmitting to the receiving 17 and 22 antennas creates again the distance between the transmitting 15 and receiving 17 antennas, and the distance E between the transmitting 15 and receiving 22 antennas. In conjunction with a known distance t of receiving antennas 17 and 22, the triangle can again be trigonometrically solved on the side of p1 k, P, t. But if the vertical parallel deflection or height offset, or the angle of elevation or tilt of the ocean, is known from this as needed, another deviation can be calculated. Both distances and are measured predominantly by one pulse signal to two receiving antennas 17 and 22, with receiving antenna 22 being connected to a special receiver (not shown) or to receiver 18, and passing time neiinji non 1
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.o) lacquer - :, 9th positioning tape 23, which is driven by a rotary motor 24. On this tape is a horizontal positioning tape 25, which is driven by the actuator body 26. The holder 27 axes 28 and 29 for transferring the tape 25 is rigidly connected along line 30 with the tape 23. The executive motor 26 for the tape 25 is also rigidly mounted on the holder 27. The leading rods 31 and 32 are provided for guiding the tape 25. The tape 25 carries the image of the cut-off mechanism 33. Using motor control 24 for drive In the vertical positioning belt 23, the horizontal positioning belt 25 shifts in the direction of its height and the scaled image 33 of the cutting edge moves in the vertical direction. The actuator 26 moves the image 33 of the cut-in mechanism in different directions. FIG. 9 shows a pattern 34, the inner contour 35 of which depicts a large-scale image of a given profile. The complete display device can be mounted in the proposed way in a fiancé case (not shown), and the front page of this case should be chosen transparent. If the contour 36 of the image of the cut-in mechanism 33 is equipped with LEDs, and the contour 35 of the template 34 with phototransistors 5, the latter give out a signal if the light emitted from the LEDs of the contour 36 of the image of the cut-in mechanism 33 falls on the phototransistors. This signal means that the manual mechanism touches the edge of a given profile. Upon receipt of such a signal, the person servicing the sinking harvester may make the appropriate correction to control the cut-in mechanism. But this signal can also be used to stop a rotary drive drive with an electro-hydraulic actuator. Depending on the equipment, the display device performs various tasks. For example, with its help only an indication of the position of the cut-in mechanism can take place, with the 610 cut-iron lever completely free and moving the machine operator to the internal profile of the given profile. When an indicating device is equipped with LEDs and a phototransistor, an optical or acoustic warning signal may appear as soon as the cut-out mechanism is touched by a given pro: w or starts to cross it. Topsim positioning is controlled by ribbons with the help of continuously operating executive motors and a potentiometer or a rotation angle transducer into a code, or it has step motors. In some forms of execution (not shown), two templates, a predetermined profile, can be set parallel to one another. In this case, the edge of the internal contour of these patterns, which corresponds to a given profile, can be equipped with light guides, LEDs and / or a photoplate p, and the positioning tapes are made transparent w. These templates must be installed so that, as necessary, one cAiUi template is positioned in front of the positioning tape that carries the image of the cut-in mechanism, and the other behind it. If the image of the cut-in g-; ex1P1sm is performed by the light-weakness, then a change occurs in the signal measured by the phototransistor as soon as the outline of the image of the cut-in mechanism intersects the flow of rays between the inner edges of the templates. In this case, such a deviation of the phototransistor signals is used for working on optical or acoustic warning signals or for stopping the iron drive. Templates that have a given profile can be replaced according to the proposed method. At the same time, pictures with different scales of the cut profile are used. Templates may have a contour interruption that corresponds to the specified profile being cut down, or less transparency in areas outside the specified profile, than within this area. In the construction depicted in FIG. 10, the horizontal positioning belt 25 carries an image of the cutting mechanism 33. In the direction of
along the arrow 39, the profile templates 34 and 38 are located one after the other at a distance. Their edges 35 carry photodiodes or phototransistors 37, gfich as they go above and above, the place of one photodiode on the template 34 is provided in the direction of the C-rail 39 to the template 38 phototransi mountains. The image of the cut-in mechanism 33 is set at a distance from the position of the 1 st tape 25, so that it moves between the two patterns 34 and 38. The image 33 of the cut-in mechanism intersects the flow of rays between the photodiode and the phototransistor 37 of the patterns 34 and 38, then the flow of the beams is interrupted and appears a corresponding signal or control pulse for the device to stop the pipe lever actuator. With this design used poppnopiruyuschaya tape, bearing depicted: e cut-in mechanism, should not See it transparent. The installation of the image of the cut-in mechanism on the positioning belt is carried out by the proposed method with the help of a distance-sensitive element 40, which through e3ancjjiHeHnoe space reaches one of the profile pattern, in this case the profile pattern 38.
The image of the cut-in fur is -; Serpentine can be formed by pre-spacing using a spinel drive instead of a decorative tape. th
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Claims (1)
1. The method of adjusting the position of the working body of a roadheader, based on the control of the position of the reference point and two points on the combine, according to the coordinates of which the coordinates of the working body of the combine are calculated and a control signal is generated to adjust the position of the working body, which differs in that, in order to increase control accuracy, the coordinates of the points on the combine are determined by measuring the times! 'of the passage of the electromagnetic signal from the reference point to two controlled points on the combine.
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